Special Topics in Global Health (390-0-26)
Global Circulations & Human Health: Migrations & T
Sokhieng Au
Meeting Info
University Hall 118: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
Human beings and human parts/products are on the move across the globe, shaped by inequities that drive poor health outcomes for many involved in these circulations. More human beings are being forced from their homes than ever before in history; more and more are being turned away as they seek resettlement. Global economic migration is poorly regulated and rife with exploitation. The flow of human organs for transplantation increasingly moves from the poor in the Global South to the rich in the Global North. Even the production of human babies through international surrogacy is driven by economic inequities. This course examines the role of advocacy, law, politics and ethics to preserve dignity and health as human beings and human parts increasingly circulate across global boundaries.
Class Materials (Required)
All required materials will be available on Canvas.
Class Attributes
No Freshmen
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Freshmen may not register for this course.