Reading Literatures in French (210-0-20)
Nature and Animals in Medieval French Literature
Christopher Davis
1860 Campus Drive Crowe Hall #2-140
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-435: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This class introduces students to major themes and genres of medieval French literature through the lens of works that challenge the boundary between human and animal, social and natural worlds. From talking birds and werewolf knights to submarines and flying machines, the texts we read will show literary representations of the natural provided medieval people with a site for challenging and re-imaging the fundamental categories that defined them. All readings, discussions, and written assignments in French.
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed FRENCH 202-0 or a test score of 5 in AP French. Other students may register with instructor permission.