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Reading & Writing Creative Non-Fiction (208-0-22)


Suzanne Byrne Scanlon

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 301: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

An introduction to some of the many possible voices and styles in creative nonfiction. In addition to more conventional modes such as the lyric and personal essay, we will explore other wide-ranging and unusual forms—journals, lists, reports, oral histories, documentary poetries and films—in our search to figure out what nonfiction is or might be. Students will be asked to analyze the readings closely, and to write several essays based on imitations of the style, structure, syntax, and narrative devices found in the readings. Students can also expect to do some brief writing exercises and revisions.

Registration Requirements

No pre-reqs. No P/N registration. Attendance of first class is mandatory. Course especially recommended for prospective Writing Majors.

Teaching Method

Discussion; one-half to two-thirds of the classes will be devoted to discussion of readings and principles, the other classes to discussion of student work.