Reading and Writing Fiction (207-0-21)
Suzanne Byrne Scanlon
Meeting Info
University Hall 118: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
A reading and writing course in short fiction. Students will read widely in traditional as well as experimental short stories, seeing how writers of different culture and temperament use conventions such as plot, character, and techniques of voice and distance to shape their art. Students will also receive intensive practice in the craft of the short story, writing at least one story, along with revisions, short exercises, and a critical study of at least one work of fiction, concentrating on technique.
Registration Requirements
No pre-reqs. No P/N registration. Attendance of first class is mandatory. Course especially recommended for prospective Writing Majors.
Teaching Method
Discussion of readings and principles; workshop of student drafts.
Evaluation Method
Evidence given in written work and class participation of students' growing understanding of fiction; improvement will count for a great deal in estimating achievement.
Class Materials (Required)
Selected short stories, essays on craft, and the work of the other students.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory