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Writing in Special Contexts (106-1-04)


Michael Peshkin
FORD 2133 Sheridan Rd, Rm 3-345, EV CAMPUS

John C Anderson
Ford G-309
Office Hours: By appointment

Meeting Info


Overview of class

Design Thinking and Communication (DTC), is a required two-quarter course for all first-year students at McCormick. Every section is co-taught by an instructor from the Writing Program and an instructor from engineering. Part of the Engineering FirstĀ® curriculum, the course immediately puts students to work on real design problems submitted by individuals, non-profits, entrepreneurs, and industry members. In DTC, all students design for real people and communicate to real audiences.

Class Materials (Suggested)

Course materials will be on Canvas.

Class Attributes

Engineering Students Only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Co-Requisite: Students must also register for DSGN 106-1 04. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.