First-Year Writing Seminar (101-8-20)
Did Economics Win Two World Wars?
Robert Gordon
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G29: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
World War II was clearly the most important single event of the twentieth century. However, the seeds for World War II were laid in World War I, making it necessary to study both wars. We will study both why these wars occurred and why they turned out the way they did. In asking why wars turned out the way they did, we will emphasize the size and performance of the economies involved, and such issues as why the U.S. and Soviet Union produced so much while Germany produced so little. In the last part of the course, students will have a chance to do independent research on any aspect of World War II which interests them, economic, political or military.
Teaching Method
In class discussion of readings. Students will be encouraged to disagree with each other and with the readings as their knowledge of the subject develops. Active class participation is important and counts for 30 percent of the grade.
Evaluation Method
Papers will be worth a total of 70% of the final grade.
Class Materials (Required)
Most of the reading is available online through the library. The one required book for purchase: Why the Allies Won by Overy, 1997 (ISBN: 978-0393316193)
Class Notes
I am a senior professor with active ongoing research in macroeconomics, ranging from inflation and unemployment to long-term growth and disputes about macroeconomic theory. I have recently published a big book on the history of the American standard of living. Military history is a hobby, as is second-guessing airline management through a private e-mail chat group that I founded more than 20 years ago.
Class Attributes
WCAS Writing Seminar
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.