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Advanced Topics in Geophysics (438-0-01)


Steven Jacobsen
Tech F297
Office Hours: by appointment

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F391: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

In this seminar, we will explore fundamentals of shock compression of condensed matter and applications to material equations of state at extreme conditions. The seminar will draw structure and material from the downloadable book by Jerry W. Forbes of the same title, as well as recent literature. Platforms will include gas gun, laser drive, and pulsed power. Hands-on data processing exercises will cover PDV and VISAR. One or two guest lectures from National Lab scientists will be arranged. Additional topics will include vibrational spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, density functional theory, electron microscopy of shock-recovered samples, and job opportunities at the National Laboratories.

Learning Objectives

Understand conservation of mass, momentum and energy in the 1D shocked state
Describe pros and cons of different experimental shock methods
Discuss various diagnostics and their pros and cons
Design a shock experiment for potential fielding
Write a report on the specific problem of the student's choosing

Class Materials (Required)

No course materials required.