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Readings in Genre (211-0-20)


The Modern Italian Short Story


Alessia Ricciardi
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-133

Meeting Info

Kresge 5531 Comp Lit. Sem. Rm.: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This course examines the genre of the short story in modern and contemporary Italian literature. Storytelling has been a staple of Italian literature and culture since the days of Boccaccio, but the aesthetic and cultural aspects of the genre certainly have changed in the last two centuries. We will explore works written in a realistic mode and in a fantastic style. Moreover, we will discuss the elements that define the two approaches with an emphasis on close reading and on the historical and social context of each text.

Our focus in particular revolves around issues of love, jealousy, sexuality, gender, friendship, and youth culture as depicted by Boccaccio, Verga, Morante, Ortese, Levi, Buzzati, Calvino, Tabucchi, and Tondelli. The class material will be available on Canvas. (Taught in Italian.)

Learning Objectives

1.) Improving the ability to speak, read, and write in Italian, and 2.) improving knowledge of modern and contemporary Italian Literature.

Teaching Method

Taught in Italian, seminar style. The most difficult texts will be accompanied by English translation.

Evaluation Method

- Participation (30%)
- 2 oral presentations (20%)
- 2 short papers (2 pages each; 20%)
- Final paper (5-6 pages, may be a work of critical or creative writing; 30%)

Class Attributes

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area