Classics and Reception (400-0-1)
Interdisc Proseminar in Classical Reception Studie
S. Sara Monoson
Office Hours:
Meeting Info
Kresge 4364 Classics Sem Rm: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
This seminar is suitable for grads from all departments and satisfies a requirement of the Classics Cluster's Classical Receptions Certificate.
This seminar introduces students to the idea of "classical presences," their complex political dimensions, and the goals and methods associated with the practice of the growing field of classical reception studies. Seminars will engage influential methodological work (e.g., Lorna Hardwick, Emily Greenwood, Chris Stray); exemplary cultural studies work that established the field early on (e.g., Edith Hall and Patrice Rankine on Homer, others on the visual arts); the start up of the Classical Receptions Journal at OUP; the development of research initiatives and collectives (e.g., Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama at Oxford); model studies of intertextuality such as Richard F. Thomas' work on Bob Dylan and the Classics; work by scholars who are not professional classicists but are relevant both for content and method (e.g., psychiatrist Jonathon Shay's "Achilles in Vietnam" and "Odysseus in America" together with productions of Peter Meineck's Aquila Theatre & Bryan Doerries' Theater of War and the way historian Garry Wills' "Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America" conjures Athenian epitaphioi logoi); and initiatives based at Northwestern including the Jan 2024 sessions on Addison's "Cato, A Tragedy" in the NU Sawyer Seminar "On Decolonizing Theater," the Classicizing Chicago Project hosted by the Dept of Classics and Prof Monoson's Summoning Socrates Archive. For their own projects students may choose to do a methodological study, to contribute to the online profile of the NU projects, or complete a case study of material they identify that utilizes their own disciplinary skills.
Class Materials (Required)