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Chinese IV - Accelerated: Advanced Reading and Writing (315-2-20)


Yangtian Luo
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office 4-538
Office Hours: vaires by quarater, please contact instructor

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 301: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

AY 23-24 Chinese 315 is a quarter-long series of advanced modern Chinese courses composed by the following independent courses: Chinese 315-1: Formal Writing and Public Speaking; Chinese 315-2: Advanced Reading and Writing, Chinese 315-3: Media and Society.

This advanced Chinese course focuses on academic writing and speaking skills by utilizing authentic materials, carefully selected from various sources and organized into diverse lesson contexts. Students will engage in diverse writing and public speaking forms, mastering grammar, vocabulary, and language conventions. By the end of the course, students will be able to craft persuasive Chinese texts and deliver engaging oral presentations.

Registration Requirements

Chinese 215-3 with grade C- or above or by placement.
Three courses of Chinese 311-1, 2, 3, 312-1, 312-2 with C- or above, or by placement test.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to

Conduct research on primary sources
Understand the main messages and most supporting details on a wide variety of general topics
Maintain conversations and discussions on various cultural and social topics
Deliver detailed cohesive presentations and elaborate on various cultural and social topics using organized paragraphs

Teaching Method

Discussions on preassigned readings. Students are required to complete the preparation before class.

Evaluation Method

Attendance, participation, assignments, quizzes, presentations, projects

Class Materials (Required)

To be prepared by the instructor

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have passed Chinese 215-3 or {Chinese 311-1, 311-2 AND 311-3} with at least a C- or according to placement test results. Pre-requisite: Students must have passed Chinese 215-3 or {Chinese 311-1, 311-2 AND 311-3} with at least a C- or according to placement test results.