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Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy (342-2-01)


Franz M Geiger

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M177: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

This course is an introduction to quantum mechanics and includes applications in spectroscopy. Topics to be covered include: The wave equation (the transition from classical to quantum mechanics), the Schrodinger equation, particle-in-a-box models, QM operators, the postulates of QM, the harmonic oscillator and rigid rotor, the hydrogen atom, multi-electron atoms, and approximate methods for solving the Schroedinger equation.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: MATH 230-1 (230-2 recommended also); PHYSICS 135-1,2; CHEM 342-1.

Class Materials (Required)

Title: Physical Chemistry, 9th edition preferred
Author: Peter Atkins
Publisher: Freeman Press
ISBN: 9781429218122
Approx. price: $195 new, $82 rental

Note: this is the same text used in 342-1.

Class Materials (Suggested)

Title: Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry, 9th edition
Author: Peter Atkins & Julio dePaula
Publisher: Freeman Press
ISBN: 9781429231282
Approx. price: $64 new, $27 rental

Note: this is the same suggested text used in 342-1.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: MATH 230-2; PHYSICS 135-1 and 135-2; and CHEM 342-1. Prerequisites: MATH 230-2; PHYSICS 135-1 and 135-2; and CHEM 342-1