Professional Linkage Seminar (394-LK-23)
Leadership as Behavior: An Experiential Workshop t
Peter B. Bensinger, Jr.
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-319: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
The instructor of this class will be: Peter B. Bensinger, Jr.
The purpose of the class is to deepen your insight into effective team leadership and to strengthen the practical listening and connecting skills essential to creating a collaborative and inclusive team environment. The course will give you actual practice in core skills that will serve you in life.
For this class, we sit in chairs in a circle. No phones. No computers. The core skills we practice are: controlling where you focus attention; empathetic listening; asking powerful questions; expressing gratitude; creating psychological safety in teams; giving and receiving feedback; and engaging with those with whom you disagree to understand their views, how they feel about those views, and why they feel that way. In addition, you will practice daily gratitude journaling, which has the potential to increase your overall positivity and resilience. You will practice stand-up presentation skills that should make you more effective as a presenter. Finally, I ask that you follow certain objective guidance in your written submissions, so your ability to write clearly should improve.
The course's goal is to enhance your interpersonal effectiveness as a team member and team leader.
Evaluation Method
- Gratitude journal: 15%
- Responses to prompts: 15%
- Gratitude letter & eulogy: 05% each
- Final paper: 25%
- Class participation: 15%
- Assigned exercises: 10%
- Oral presentation: 10% (see criteria in Class #9 outline)
-Community Genogram
-Notes from power questions interview
-Crucial Conversations workbook exercise
-Notes from your crucial conversation
-Notes on your feedback conversation
-Your VIA Survey of Character Strengths
-Notes on your interview for your oral presentation
Class Materials (Required)
I have assigned six books, which you can purchase at the bookstore or online. The books are:
1. Ivey, A., Packard, N., & Bradford Ivey, (2018). Basic Attending Skills. Microtraining Associates, Inc.
2. Sobel, A. & Panas, J. (2012). Power Questions. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Edmondson, A. C. (2018). The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth. Wiley.
4. Patterson, K., et al. (2012). Crucial Conversations. McGraw Hill 2d ed.
5. Stone, D. & Heen, S. (2014). Thanks for the Feedback. Penguin Books.
6. Feltman, C. (2021). The Thin Book of Trust. Thin Book Publishing 2d ed.
In addition, the course requires you to access through Canvas certain journal articles and a few videos.
Class Notes
There are no waitlists for BUS_INST courses. If the class closes before your registration time, please check back.
For more information, please view sample syllabus:
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory