Introduction to Astrophysics II: Galactic Evolution and Cosmology (220-2-1)
Giles Novak
Technological Institute (2145 Sheridan Road), Room F253, Evanston
Meeting Info
Technological Institute M128: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
This introductory course is aimed at undergraduate science and engineering students. The course will explore modern cosmology, including dark matter, the Big Bang, the origin and evolution of the first stars and galaxies, cosmic acceleration, and dark energy. We will introduce General Relativity and the Friedmann equation and show how they can be used to describe the evolution of the Universe. For all topics covered, we will focus on the underlying physical processes and the observational techniques used to test the theories.
Class Materials (Required)
Foundations of Astrophysics, Barbara Ryden and Bradley Peterson.
ISBN (hardcover; Cambridge University Press): 978-1-108-83195-6
ISBN (e-book; Cambridge University Press): 978-1-108-93300-1
ISBN (hardcover; Pearson): 978-0-321-59558-4
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Distro Area