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Stellar Astrophysics (425-0-1)


Yoram Lithwick
2145 Sheridan Road, Tech- T-239, Evanston, IL 60208

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 318: Mon, Wed 1:00PM - 2:20PM

Overview of class

This course explores the underlying physical processes at play during the lives and deaths of stars. Basic principles and mathematical theory that govern the interiors, atmospheres and evolution of low-mass and massive stars will be presented. Topics to be covered include pre-main sequence evolution, main sequence evolution, red giant and asymptotic branch phases, and the structure and evolution of white dwarf and neutron stars.

Teaching Method

Lecture and small discussion-based

Evaluation Method

Homework, writing assignments, and participation

Class Materials (Required)

Stellar Interiors - Physical Principles, Structure, and Evolution 2nd Edition
by Carl J. Hansen, Steven D Kawaler, Virginia Trimble