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Studies in 20th & 21st Century Art (460-0-1)


Black Printed Matters


Antawan I Byrd

Meeting Info

Kresge 4354 Art Hist. Sem. Rm.: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

How have Black artists used or developed print forms to advance political interests, combat racial and social injustices, and cultivate community? How might we historicize the interface between art history and Black vernacular print cultures? This graduate research seminar explores the various ways in which printed matter shaped and materially manifested in the practices of Black artists during the long twentieth century. Topics will include artist/writer collaborations, artist's books, pamphlets and political posters, underground activism and publishing networks, bookstores and collectives, libraries in and as art, etc. We will engage the work of historically important presses as well the practices of active publishing platforms, including Chimurenga (Cape Town), BlackMass Publishing (New York), and The Funambulist (Paris).

Class Materials (Required)

No Textbook Required

Class Notes

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