Studio (390-0-5)
Video Sketchbook
Steve Reinke
640 Lincoln St., Evanston Campus
Meeting Info
Kresge 1530 Art Studio: Tues, Thurs 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
Digital film can be a great medium for sketching out ideas and possibilities. Just as with drawing, a sketch can be a work of art in itself, preparation for a work, or simply an opportunity for investigating / playing around. Working fast and loose can be a great way to learn how to be comfortable and productive in the medium. We'll be making a video a week, each in response to a prompt. Some of the prompts will be formal/technical, others thematic/conceptual. Some will be very specific, others open-ended. Every week, we'll have one work period and one period where we look at and discuss that week's sketches.
Class Materials (Required)
No course cost.
Class Attributes
Attendance at 1st class mandatory