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Studio (390-0-3)


One More Time: Iteration as Sculptural Strategy


Allison L Wade

Meeting Info

Kresge 1410 Art Flex/Seminar: Tues, Thurs 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

One can argue that all sustained artistic practice is iterative. An artist creates, evaluates, reconsiders and (re)makes. But some artists deploy iteration in ways directly linked to form, whether within a specific project or within a body of work. How might revisiting a form over and over open up space for both experimentation and resolution?
This course will use iteration as a strategy and framework to explore sculptural themes, techniques and materials. Unlike iteration in UX design, where the latest version replaces the previous, our goal is not optimization but expansion. We will consider the implications of repetition (process and product) while diving into haptic investigation with clay, hand-made paper, and textiles, among other materials. A spirit of tinkering and play will guide us as we put our favorite song on repeat and begin, again.

Registration Requirements

One course in Art Theory and Practice or permission of instructor. Open to undergraduate students only.

Class Materials (Required)

Approximate course costs $50.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Undergraduate Students Only