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Introduction to Photography (250-0-22)


Curtis Byrnside Miller

Meeting Info

Kresge 1310 Photo Classroom: Tues, Thurs 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

This course concentrates on extensive darkroom instruction focusing on the production of high-quality black-and-white prints. Class sessions are devoted to lecture/demonstrations and group critiques that address both technique and content. Students work during class sessions as well as independently and students should be prepared to work in the photo lab outside of scheduled class meeting times. Evaluation of student performance is based on attendance, ability to absorb and implement information and a final portfolio.

Registration Requirements

No prerequisites. P/N permitted.

Class Materials (Required)

Students must bring a 35mm camera that can be operated manually and a roll of Tri-x 400 b&w, 36 exp. film to first class. Information on other materials needed will be on the syllabus and reviewed at the first class. This approximate materials cost for this course is $200.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory