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Introduction to Sculpture (240-0-20)


Allison L Wade

Meeting Info

Kresge 1425 Sculpture Room: Tues, Thurs 9:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

Course is a basic introduction to sculptural concerns and issues of three-dimensional form. It includes instruction in traditional modeling techniques in various materials, including plaster and wood. The teaching method includes slide lectures, demonstrations of techniques and individual guidance on studio projects. There are occasional group critiques and discussions of exhibitions or readings. Evaluation is based on the quality of the completed studio projects, participation in group critiques and attendance.

Registration Requirements

No prerequisites. P/N permitted.

Class Materials (Required)

Sculpture Materials costs: $50 or less

Class Notes

This course was previously offered under a different course number. If you have successfully completed a course matching the title of this course, you will not be eligible to receive credit for this course again.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory