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Research Methods in Psychology (205-CN-16)


Gayathri Subramanian

Meeting Info

Wieboldt Hall 413: Thurs 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

Research Methods in Psychology serves as an introduction to applying scientific methods to psychological questions and topics. We will focus on how to formulate research questions and evaluate research claims in everyday life. We'll cover different aspects of designing experiments, including how to select participants, choose independent and dependent variables, control for confounding variables, and consider ethical and equitable research practices. This course will also help students learn to communicate scientific ideas through presentations and research papers. By learning to conduct a research project from start to finish, students will learn to think holistically about research to become better scientists or consumers of science.

Carries social science credit.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: PSYCH 201 or equivalent. May not be audited.