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Elementary French (111-B-65)


Margaret Dempster
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-121
Senior Lecturer in French, Ph.D. Indiana University, Margaret earned her B.S. (French and Psychology) University of Wisconsin, Madison, and M.A. (French literature) University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Her doctoral dissertation is entitled: "Writing, Punishment, and the Self: A Study of Five Twentieth-century French Novels." She has studied in Paris and worked in France as an interpreter/culinary aide at the Ecole de Gastronomie Française in Paris and has taught English at the Lycée Charlemagne in Paris and at the Université de Pau in Pau, France. She has taught French at the University of Illinois, Iowa State University and Indiana University as well as at a Montessori school in Indiana. At Northwestern, Margaret is the coordinator of first-year French, and the Teaching Assistants and is the study abroad adviser for French. Margaret is also the International Studies Residence College (ISRC) Master.

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-420: Wed 6:15PM - 8:15PM

Overview of class

French 111-B is the second quarter of a three-quarter sequence of Elementary French. The course covers grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, conversation and culture. The aim of the course is to learn and develop skills in speaking, understanding, reading, writing and cultural competence. The course includes a variety of activities designed to help students develop their knowledge of basic French vocabulary and structures along with the ability to use what they have learned in communicative activities. Classes will be conducted exclusively in French except when explanation of grammar or other material may necessitate the use of English. Students are expected to prepare outside of class, to participate actively in class activities, and to work independently with the En Avant! online learning platform: Connect.

The course combines class meetings and online work that students can complete on their own time. The online courseware will be used for homework.

Carries humanities credit (two-course limit for language courses).

This course was formerly FRENCH 101-B.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: FRENCH 111-A or 101-A, or equivalent. This course is for students with less than one year of high school French or with no previous study of French.

Note: FRENCH 111-B is available to for students to audit—credit will not be earned, but tuition is reduced. Students enrolled to audit the course must meet prerequisites, as well as participation and assessment requirements as outlined in the course syllabus.