Income Tax I (208-DL-20)
Erik Anderson
Alex Bjorvik
Meeting Info
Online: TBA
Overview of class
Introduction to the field of taxation, with attention to individual income taxation. Gross income, capital gains, deductions, and alternate tax methods. IRS forms used.
This course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: ACCOUNT 202.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Illustrate the importance and influence of taxes on decision-making.
Calculate tax base, taxable income, and tax liability.
Prepare individual income tax returns with IRS forms, schedules, and related reporting requirements.
Identify sources of individual tax authority.
Apply sources of tax authority in research to take tax positions.
Evaluate data to determine income tax consequences.
Demonstrate knowledge of tax planning opportunities.
Class Materials (Required)
Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities. Spilker, Ayers, Barrick, Outslay, Robinson, Weaver, Worsham
Students in the Income Tax I course need to purchase the McGraw Hill book in electronic, loose-leaf, or hard cover. Additionally, students need to purchase access to McGraw Hill's Connect platform.
This can be purchased with the book or separately.
Looseleaf + Connect: 9781266299285
Connect: 9781264368877
Looseleaf (no Connect): 9781264368891
Class Attributes
Asynchronous:Remote class-no scheduled mtg time