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Introduction to Sound Science (502-0-20)


Sound Science Biology


Nina Kraus
2240 Campus Drive

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2407: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Anatomy and physiology of the central auditory pathway, experience-related neural plasticity, right/left brain specialization, audiovisual integration, auditory learning and perception, and neural encoding of speech and music. Cross-listed with CSD 410-0 and SAI 502-0. This course will review the biological foundations of speech and music perception. Topics include an overview of the central auditory system - neuroanatomy and physiology, the acoustic properties of speech and music and how these features are encoded by the nervous system, the effect of cognitive processes on auditory perception and neural encoding, and how these auditory processes are enhanced in auditory experts (musicians/bilinguals) and impaired in populations with learning impairments.

Class Materials (Required)

"Of Sound Mind: How our brain constructs a meaningful sonic world" by Nina Kraus, ISBN:‎ 0262045869, ~$29. Materials are posted on Canvas. Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)