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Research and Data Analytics (302-0-20)


Carolyn Tang

Meeting Info

Fisk Hall 115: Mon, Wed 9:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Covers analytic methods and metrics to develop, execute and evaluate marketing communications. Students learn how to design questionnaires and analyze survey results, and evaluate customer behavior by analyzing customer databases. Covers methods to evaluate media use including web analytics and social media metrics. Develops hands-on analytic skills with Qualtrics survey software and SPSS statistics software.

Class Materials (Required)

Basic Marketing Research (9th edition) by Tom Brown, Tracy A. Suter, Gilbert A. Churchill
R Guide for Business Statistics by Constantin Colonescu
Both are optional, but are great references and will support the content presented in class.

If you choose to purchase the books listed above, here is the estimated cost:
Basic Marketing Research is available at the library, $73.99 eTextbook, $155 paperback
R Guide for Business Statistics is $2.35 for Kindle, or $17.02 paperback.

Lecture slides will be provided via Canvas.

Any additional assigned reading will be made available via Canvas either via downloadable .pdf or direct link.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for IMC Certificate Students only.