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Introduction to Probability and Statistics (210-0-20)


Maxim Sinitsyn

Meeting Info

Fisk Hall 217: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

We will cover descriptive statistics, probability, random variables, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and significance tests.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Strong background in high school algebra (calculus is not required).

May not receive credit for both STAT 202-0 and STAT 210-0

When selecting an introductory statistics course to fulfill a major/minor requirement, students should consult the Undergraduate Catalog and/or the department to confirm the course they want to register for will fulfill the requirement.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

Two midterm exams and a final exam

Class Materials (Required)

Statistics for Business and Economics: Second custom edition for Northwestern University; ISBN: 978-1-256-86179-9

Class Attributes

Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area

Associated Classes

DIS - University Hall 122: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM

DIS - Locy Hall 214: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM

DIS - Lunt Hall 105: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM

DIS - Locy Hall 111: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM

DIS - Lunt Hall 107: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM

DIS - Locy Hall 301: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM