Topics in Sociological Analysis (376-0-21)
Neoliberalism, Postcolonial Theory, & Human Rights
Tara Gonsalves
Tara Gonsalves is a new Assistant Professor of Sociology. Gonsalves' research, which lies at the intersection of global and transnational studies, gender and sexuality, and the sociology of knowledge, examines how gender and sexuality categories are created and contested.
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 224: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
"Neoliberalism, Postcolonial Theory, and Human Rights"
International human rights frameworks have been promoted as a central mechanisms through which transnational activists and international organizations pursue justice globally. In this course, we will examine whether human rights paradigms live up to this promise. Readings will consider the geopolitical and economic context in which human rights frameworks are forged, both in terms of neoliberal economic relations and postcolonialism. We will examine the history of human rights documents and how discussions of human rights frameworks have changed over the last century. We will also examine contemporary efforts to expand human rights frameworks to "new" rights, including those based on gender and sexuality rights.
Class Attributes
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area