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Psychology of Sex and Gender Differences (348-0-1)


Renee Engeln

Meeting Info

University Hall 101: Mon, Wed 5:00PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

This course involves an overview and critical analysis of empirical research and theory concerning differences and similarities between women and men. Both social and biological explanations will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on "hot topics" within the field (e.g., differences in cognition between men and women); however, a variety of topics will be considered. These topics include methods of researching differences between men and women and disputes over how to interpret findings of differences, the influence of pre-natal hormones, gender stereotypes, emotion, the aggression/testosterone link, and sociosexuality). In addition to reviewing psychological research comparing men and women, special attention will be given to how ideas about gender are reflected in and influenced by popular media. Assessments will include take-home exams, a writing assignment, and in-class activities.

Class Materials (Required)

All readings will be available on Canvas at no charge.

Class Attributes

Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory