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Professional Linkage Seminar (394-LK-20)




Cody S Keenan

Meeting Info

Scott Hall 201 Ripton Room: Mon 11:00AM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

What goes into a great speech, and how do you write one? This seminar explores what makes speeches effective, persuasive, and memorable. We will cover every aspect of the speechwriting process, from early research to final flourish. We'll explore why some speeches endure and most are forgotten. We'll consider the role of a speech in today's ever-changing political and media environment. And by the end, students will learn how to craft speeches that help leaders in any industry move audiences, win the battle of ideas, and change the world.

Registration Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Political Science students who are Juniors or Seniors

Learning Objectives

This seminar will pair regular, rigorous, real-world writing exercises with lively discussion of American oratory, past and present, to equip students with the skills to:

• Break down, analyze, and critique a speech;

• Structure a speech in order to maximize impact and persuasiveness;

• Conduct effective research that makes a speech stand out and resonate with an audience;

• Write for the ear, and do so clearly and creatively;

• Edit and revise speeches in a way that improves each draft; and

• Write under intense pressure and time constraints These skills will prepare you to craft effective, persuasive, and memorable remarks for any leader, for any occasion

You'll also have what every aspiring speechwriter needs but few possess: a portfolio of writing samples that might help you get your foot in the professional door.

Teaching Method

Lecture, discussion, in-class exercises, group work

Evaluation Method

Personal politics will not affect your grade. The clarity, quality, and creativity of your writing will. And while writing is a solitary endeavor, class is not - so your effort, engagement, and improvement over the quarter will factor into your grade as well. Grades will be based on weekly writing assignments; in-class participation (discussion, exercises, questions for guests); and a final take-home "big speech" that incorporates all the strategies of the seminar.

Class Materials (Required)

Cody Keenan, Grace. ISBN: 9780358651895

Robert Lehrman, The Political Speechwriter's Companion: A Guide for Writers and Speakers
ISBN: 978-1-60426-549-1