Chaotic Dynamical Systems (354-0-81)
Aaron Brown
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L150: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
A dynamical system is any system whose state changes according to some fixed rule. The theory of dynamical systems is relatively young in the long history of mathematical discovery and development. Its origins date to the late 19th century, but a wave of research activity since the 1970s was partially inspired by the computation and visualization abilities of emerging computer technology.
This course will focus on discrete dynamical systems that exhibit chaotic behavior. We will start with the examples of the shift map, the tent map, and the logistic family to introduce the concept of chaos, and explore further properties of chaotic behaviors through Lyapunov exponents, conjugacy, and bifurcations. Additional topics to be covered include fractals, self-similar dimensions, complex dynamics, and an exploration of Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set. We will also make frequent use of computation technology to augment our understanding and inspire our mathematical investigations.
The prerequisite of this course is a course in linear algebra. The course will also assume some familiarity with computer programming, and many of the homework assignments will involve simple programming in Mathematica.
Class Materials (Required)
Discovering Discrete Dynamical Systems
Author: Aimee Johnson
MAA Press
Class Materials (Suggested)
No suggested materials. See required materials.
Class Attributes
Formal Studies Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed MATH 240-0 (or equivalent).
Associated Classes
DIS - Technological Institute M177: Thurs 2:00PM - 2:50PM