Special Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (401-0-2)
Indigenous Movements & Literature in Latin America
S. B. West
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-343: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Course title: "Reading Gender Otherwise: Indigenous Movements and Literature in Latin America"
This course draws from queer and trans Indigenous feminist frameworks to interrogate gender as a social structure that mobilizes all forms of sociopolitical oppression. Through them, we will consider the role that literature plays in Abiayala (Guna Language meaning "the Americas" [literally, "continent of plenitude and maturity]") as a gendered form of resistance. Topics will vary and may include indigenous cosmovision and coloniality; hegemony, ontology and ethnogenesis; as well as identity politics, indigenous resistance and revitalization, among others.