Queer and Trans Latino Studies (232-0-1)
Audrey Silvestre
Meeting Info
Harris Hall L04: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
This course is an introduction to the histories, theories, and cultural productions of Queer and Trans Latine/x (primarily in the United States). The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the diversity and complexity and to introduce some basic issues central to that experience of the Queer and Trans Latine/x. We will explore the construction of gender and sexuality as it intersects with race, class, immigration, and other relationships of power and categories. This course will begin by tracing the development of Queer and Trans Latino/a Studies through intersectional approaches of Black feminist, women of color feminist, and queer of color critique writing and activism. We will read classic texts in addition to contemporary research.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will:
• Obtain a firm understanding of the formation of the Queer and Trans Latinx Studies and how Queer and Trans Latinx are shaped and affected by social norms and structures of power.
• Learn how Queer and Trans Latines use multiple forms of cultural expressions (texts, art, activism, literature) to shed a light on their perspectives and experiences on sexuality and address gender and sexual injustice in society and culture.
• Develop close readings practices, writing skills, and critical thinking skills.
Teaching Method
1. Participation
2. AttendanceIn-class assignments
3. Analytic Reading Response Papers (2)
4. Midterm
5. Zine Creative Project
a. Milestone #1 Propose Topic, three key terms, and five sources
b. Milestone #2 Final Zine
5. Final
Evaluation Method
1. Participation, Attendance, & In-class assignments: 15%
2. Analytic Reading Response Papers (2): 20%
3. Midterm: 20%
4. Zine Creative Project
a. Milestone #1 Propose Topic, three key terms, and five sources: 10%
b. Milestone #2 Final Zine: 10%
5. Final: 25%
Class Materials (Required)
• Readings will be available on Canvas
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area