Grrrls Our Mothers Warned Us About: Introduction to Latine Feminist Sexualities (230-0-1)
Audrey Silvestre
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G30: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
In this course we will explore Latina sexualities alongside the category of femme as a defiant expression of gender. We will study Latina/x femmes and feminist sexualities through a broad range of visual artworks, performance, aesthetic, sexual desires, practices of survival, visual and sonic representations that disrupt and dismantle common misrepresentations of racialized sexualities centering Latina/x femmes. These varied productions of knowledge will help us understand how norms of ethnicity, race, class, nationality, and gender shape Latina/x femmes. Our discussions, activities, and projects will be guided by intersectional traditions of Black feminist scholarship, woman of color feminism, and queer of color critique to provoke further questions about how Latina/x femme sexualities are represented and lived. This course welcomes anyone committed to approaching course materials with respect.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will:
• Obtain a firm understanding of how Latina sexualities and Latinx/a femmes are shaped by social contexts and structures of power and negotiate their sexualities in relation to social norms.
• Learn how Latina/x femmes have used scholarship, art, and activism to express their perspectives on sexuality and address gender and sexual injustice in society and culture.
• Co-create knowledge that further develop writing skills and critical thinking skills.
Teaching Method
1. Participation
2. Attendance
3. In-class assignments
4. Analytic Reading Response Papers (2)
5. Midterm
6. Zine Creative Project
a. Milestone #1 Propose Topic, three key terms, and five sources
b. Milestone #2 Final Zine
7. Final
Evaluation Method
1. Participation, Attendance, & In-class assignments: 15%
2. Analytic Reading Response Papers (2): 20%
3. Midterm: 20%
4. Zine Creative Project
a. Milestone #1 Propose Topic, three key terms, and five sources: 10%
b. Milestone #2 Final Zine: 10%
5. Final: 25%
Class Materials (Required)
• Readings will be available on Canvas
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area