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Intensive Italian (133-1-20)


Daniela Pozzi Pavan
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-145

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-339: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Online: Tues 12:00AM - 12:00AM

Overview of class

Intensive Italian is a double course that fulfills the WCAS two-year language requirement in one academic year. At the end of the entire 133/134 sequence, students will be able to create with the language when talking and writing about familiar topics; to understand the main ideas and some supporting details from a variety of texts (newspaper articles, short stories, …); to describe and narrate, with some consistency, in all major time frames while organizing their discourse into paragraphs. While studying the language, students will be constantly exposed to the Italian culture. By the end of the intensive sequence, students are expected to achieve language, cultural, and intercultural competence enabling them to study in Italy and to embark on the minor or major in Italian. Intensive Italian classes are small and highly interactive.

Please note that Tuesday classes will meet asynchronously.

Teaching Method

Instruction in Italian, with group & small group exercises; speaking & writing; grammar exercises.

Evaluation Method

Quizzes, writing and oral assignments, listening & reading comprehension exercises, final exam.

Class Materials (Required)

New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate updated edition (textbook) Ean: 9788861827240

New Italian Espresso Beginner/Pre-Intermediate updated edition(workbook) Ebook- Ean: 9788861827301

Class Notes

Prerequisite: none

Students MUST be registered for both Italian 133-1 and 134-1. However, students should wait until the add/drop period to register for 134-1, to avoid potential issues with adding a 5th course.