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College Seminar - American History (102-7-22)


Asian American Lives and Memories


Ji-Yeon Yuh
Harris Hall - Room 306 (Winter 2021 - Remote)

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L06: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Topic: Asian American Lives

This course uses memoirs (both written and in film) to examine key issues in Asian American studies, including causes and consequences of migration, community building and the construction of identity and memory. We will discuss each memoir in its historical context - how and why did it get written or filmed, what is the purpose of the author/filmmaker—and outline how each contributes to the ongoing construction of Asian American identity.

Learning Objectives

Understand key issues in Asian American history, society, and culture; Understand the relationship between race, citizenship, and individual/collective experiences; Analyze memoirs for narrative, viewpoint, and historical accuracy; Analyze the connections between memoirs and history, and between memoirs and fiction; Improve critical thinking and writing skills.

Evaluation Method

papers, group work, essays

Class Materials (Required)

America is in the Heart, Turning Japanese, Home is Where the Heart Is, Language of Blood, First Person Plural, The Best We Could Do

Class Attributes

WCAS College Seminar

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Drop Consent: Department Consent Required