Accelerated Hindi-Urdu Literacy (116-0-20)
David Boyk
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office 4-425
Office Hours: varies by quarter, please contact instructor
Meeting Info
University Hall 112: Mon, Tues, Thurs 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Overview of class
AY23-24 This course is designed for students who speak Hindi and/or Urdu, but who cannot read and write in both scripts. Students will learn how to read and write in Devanagari (Hindi) and Nastaliq (Urdu) scripts. We will also review Hindi-Urdu grammar, focusing on areas that present difficulty for heritage speakers. At the end of the quarter, students will be evaluated for placement into higher-level Hindi-Urdu courses such as HIND_URD 121, 125, 210, 310, 320, etc.
Registration Requirements
With instructor/departmental consent.
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
Assessment is based primarily on in-class quizzes, attendance, classroom participation, and home assignments. No final exam.
Class Materials (Required)
Richard Delacy, Read and Write Urdu Script: 978-1444103939
All other essential materials will be available through Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested)
S.K. Verma, Oxford English-Hindi Dictionary: 978-0195648195
Shanul Haq Haqqee, Oxford English-Urdu Dictionary: 978-0195793406
R.S. McGregor, Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary: 978-0198643395
S.M. Salimuddin and Suhail Anjum, Oxford Urdu-English Dictionary: 978-0195979947