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Gender, Sexuality, and Performance (372-0-20)


Women Rock


Linda Austern
Office Hours: E-mail instructor to arrange a meeting.

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 121: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Topic: Women Rock

An examination of the roles of women in rock music from the inception of the genre through today, framed by changing social expectations for women and increasing acceptance of diversity among performers and consumers. Students will read scholarship in music, gender theory, and social sciences, and will conduct research in online archives as well as engage critically with music, video, and film.

Registration Requirements


Teaching Method

Oriented to discussion, but includes reading, writing, listening, viewing, and possibly performance

Evaluation Method

attendance, class participation, writing assignments, paper or multi-media project

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area