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History, Politics, and Culture in 21st Century German (213-0-1)


Denise Meuser
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Rm 3319
Office Hours: TW 10:00-11:00AM and by appointment

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L28: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:00PM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

This course is specifically designed for students who would like to prepare for studying abroad and/or would like to deepen their cultural and linguistic knowledge regarding integration and multicultural life in Germany. The topics covered in the course will focus partly on topics covered in the German integration course (Integrationskurs), a program developed in Germany specifically for immigrants. Topics will include a brief history of Germany in the 20th century and how it affects life in the 21st century, the meaning of democracy, Germany as a welfare state, life in unified Germany and Europe, political and educational structures, religious and intercultural integration, and social networks. With this course, students will be prepared for the final examination, the "Life Germany" test, an examination written for immigrants in Germany.

Learning Objectives

Students in this course will:

• engage with texts describing the historical and contemporary structures, processes, human-environment relationships, and practices that shape the German government, social welfare structures, and cultural traditions.

• explore the social, political, environmental, and cultural bases of German society.

• generate the knowledge and develop the skills necessary to grapple with key issues in contemporary German society: borders, colonialism, diplomacy, education, the environment, ethnicity, health, immigration, nationality, refugees, cultural reception, socialism, sustainability, and war.

• analyze how these and other terms intersect and overlap, with attention to the dynamism and variety of German experiences and German expressions.

Class Materials (Required)

Authors: Ellen Butler, Ondřej Kotas, Martin Sturm, Barbara Sum, Nita Esther Wolf, Helga Würtz

Title: 100 Stunden Deutschland:Orientierungskurs - Politik, Geschichte, Kultur
Edition: 18
Klett Languages
ISBN: 9783126752299

Class Attributes

Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area