Intermediate German (102-1-21)
Domenic DeSocio
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 215: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30PM - 1:40PM
Overview of class
This is the first quarter of the three-quarter sequence of Intermediate German. Its primary goal is the development of linguistic proficiency and cultural literacy. We will continue exploring German-speaking cultures and improve our writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in German.
Registration Requirements
German 101-3 or equivalent
Learning Objectives
Continued development of linguistic proficiency and cultural literacy. You will be able to ask questions relevant to the analysis and comprehension of a range of written and spoken authentic German texts, dialogues, and other forms of communication. You will gain perspective on German history and insight into contemporary Germany. Examination of the cultural values and norms of German-speaking countries and contemporary features of modern German culture.
Evaluation Method
Attendance 10%
Class participation 10%
Online work 15%
Project 15%
Quizzes 50%
Class Materials (Required)
Tracksdorf, Coleman, Kaupp, Rarick (2021). Impuls Deutsch 2: Intercultural, Interdisciplinary, Interactive ("MACHEN" Course book, about 220pp). Stuttgart, Germany: Ernst Klett Sprachen. ISBN 978-3-12-605303-7
Tracksdorf, Volkhausen, Jensen, Kaupp, Weidauer (2021). Impuls Deutsch 2: Intercultural, Interdisciplinary, Interactive ("LERNEN" + "ZEIGEN" Digital Workbook, 288pp + 178pp). Stuttgart, Germany: Ernst Klett Sprachen. ISBN 978-3-12-605307-5
Class Materials (Suggested)
Krug, Nora (2020). Heimat. Penguin Verlag, Germany.
ISBN-10: 332810707X
ISBN-13: 978-3328107071