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Reading Cultures in French (211-0-20)


Changing France


Dominique Licops
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-175

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-339: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

An introduction to French culture through study and analysis of major themes, issues, and debates that characterize or preoccupy contemporary French thought and society, this course helps students understand French society and culture in today's world. We explore the challenges posed to the traditional republican notion of French national identity by colonial history, decolonization, immigration, and globalization by studying a wide range of documents, texts, and films that portray individual and collective experiences. Drawing on the notion of "la France en mutation / changing France," we study how historical events and French institutions (especially the state and the school) shape identities. Students gain an understanding of questions relating to social inequalities and diversities from a "French Global" perspective, while focusing on French definitions and experiences of (in)equality and diversity, and how these play out in terms of race and ethnicity, gender, class, and sexual orientation. Conducted entirely in French, this course is designed to increase students' ability to speak, read, and write in French, and improve their aural comprehension. Students also learn techniques of close reading and detailed critical analysis through class discussion and presentations, the creative/reflective assignment, the analytical essay, and the practice of annotation.

Registration Requirements

French 202, AP score of 5 and placement test, or consent of instructor.

Teaching Method

Class discussion, oral reports, short lectures. Conducted entirely in French.

Evaluation Method

Active participation in class discussion (including participation on Canvas), 2 writing assignments, oral presentation, final assessment.

Class Materials (Required)

Texts & films (Tentative list):

•Selected texts and videos (Canvas)

•Books are available at Norris bookstore:
-Aimé Césaire, Une tempête (1969 - Edition Points 1997). ISBN - 9782020314312

Available on Amazon from $6.57

-Clément Baloup, Mémoire de Viet Kieus. Quitter Saigon. (Tome 1) (La boîte à bulles: 2006) ISBN - 9782849531709 Digital edition (tome 1 only) available at:

-Nina Bouraoui, Garçon manqué (Livre de Poche, 2000). ISBN - 9782253152544

Copies available at Norris Bookstore and Amazon. Kindle edition:

•Films and documentaries (accessible on Canvas through Course reserves)

- Euzhan Palcy, « Aimé Césaire, Une voix pour l'histoire » (1994)

- Rachid Bouchareb, « Hors-la-loi » (2010)

- Philippe Rostan, « Le Petit Vietnam» (2007)

- Coline Serreau, « Romuald et Juliette » (1989)

- Cédric Klapisch : « Ma part du gâteau » (2011)

Class Attributes

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity