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Global Environments and World History (340-0-20)


Helen Tilley
Harris Hall - Room 335

Meeting Info

University Hall 121: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Environmental problems are today part and parcel of popular consciousness: resources are being depleted at a record pace, human population levels have crossed the seven billion threshold, extreme poverty defines the majority of people's daily lives, toxic contaminants affect all ecosystems, increasing numbers of species face extinction, consumerism and the commodification of nature show no signs of abating, and weapons and energy systems continue to proliferate that risk the planet's viability. This introductory lecture course is designed to help students understand the relatively recent origins of many of these problems, focusing especially on the last one hundred and fifty years. Students will have an opportunity to learn about the environmental effects of urbanization, industrialization, population growth, market economies, empire-building, intercontinental warfare, energy extraction, and new technologies. They will also explore different environmental philosophies and analytic frameworks that help us make sense of historical change, including political ecology, environmental history, science studies, and global history. Finally, the course will examine a range of transnational organizations, social movements, and state policies that have attempted to address and resolve environmental problems.

Learning Objectives

To debate historical arguments and evidence about environmental change; to explore the roots of environmental problems; to refine writing and analytic skills.

Evaluation Method

Students will be asked to complete three short writing assignments. They will also have a final essay.

Class Notes

Area of concentration: Global

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression
Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Historical Studies Distro Area
Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
SDG Sustnble Cities&Commnities
SDG Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG Innovation & Infrastructure

Associated Classes

DIS - Harris Hall L05: Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

DIS - University Hall 318: Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM

DIS - Harris Hall L04: Fri 12:00PM - 12:50PM