The Bible as Literature (220-0-20)
Regina Schwartz
Meeting Info
University Hall 218: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
We will read excerpts from the Bible--both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament-- that include many genres: poetry, narrative, epic, prophecy, letters, and even law. Our emphasis is on the literary artistry of the texts we read, the characterizations of God, humans, and political organizations, the major themes and conflicts, and the variety of styles. You will be asked to write two short papers and to take a final exam. Participation in class is expected and will be counted toward your grade. You will also be asked to write questions about your reading assignments for the kinds of questions you ask of a text influence how you understand it.
Class Attributes
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Ethics & Values Distro Area