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Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry (313-0-01)


Andrew Jacobson
Tech F396/F398

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F285: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

EARTH 313 examines the application of radiogenic isotope systems to problems in geochemistry, petrology, oceanography, hydrology, ecology, and environmental science. The scope includes nucleosynthesis, cosmochemistry, radioactive decay, geochronology, mixing processes, and numerical modeling. Lectures mostly focus on theory. Take-home problem sets and in-class, student-led presentations illustrate applications.

Registration Requirements

CHEM 132; or consent of instructor.

Teaching Method

Three 60 minute lectures per week.

Evaluation Method

Problem sets; Research paper; In-class presentations

Class Materials (Suggested)

Isotopes: Principles and Applications, Faure and Mensing, 3rd ed., 2004, ISBN # 0471384372 (Wiley). Publisher's price $175.