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Physics of the Earth for ISP (350-0-01)


Craig Bina

Meeting Info

Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Introduction to geophysics for students with strong mathematics and physics backgrounds. Basic ideas in seismic wave propagation, plate tectonics, geomagnetism, geothermics, and gravity. Study of the earth's surface and the deep interior.

Registration Requirements

Second-year standing in ISP, or equivalent background in physics and mathematics and permission of both ISP director and instructor; no previous geological science required.

Teaching Method

Lectures, class discussions.

Evaluation Method

Homework, quizzes, midterm and final exams.

Class Materials (Required)

Book: Fundamentals of Geophysics 3rd Edition, 2020
Author: Lowrie & Fichtner
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781108716970
Price: approx. $65

Class Notes

Non-ISP undergraduates and graduate students interested in enrolling in this course should contact the instructor for more information.

Class Attributes

ISP Students Only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: ISP Majors

Associated Classes

DIS - Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Thurs 1:00PM - 1:50PM