College Seminar (101-7-1)
American Classics: Ancient Greece and Rome in Mode
Ryan Platte
Kresge Hall 4355
Office Hours: 10-12 pm and by appointment
Meeting Info
University Library 3370: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
In this course we will examine, and learn how to write about, the role of Ancient Greece and Rome in American film and culture. Preliminary steps in this study will involve introductions to various historic eras of the ancient Greco-Roman world as well as important elements of ancient culture. Our emphasis will, however, not be analysis of antiquity itself but rather of recent American engagement with that antiquity, particularly in film. We will examine not just how antiquity perseveres in American culture, but how popular art creatively and critically engages with inherited Classical traditions. We will also consider engagement with Classical antiquity in some non-cinematic media as well, such as the graphic novel and even the architecture of the city of Chicago.
In addition to the scholarly elements of this course, it will also serve as an introduction to college life itself. We will learn about specific resources on campus that exist to enable student success as well as discuss student well-being and personal success strategies. Your instructor will be your academic advisor this term and this will incorporate advising related activities to help students succeed not only in this class but at the university generally.
Class Materials (Required)
Henderson, Jeffery. trans. Aristophanes' Lysistrata, trans (978-0941051026);
Gillen, Kieron; Kelly, Ryan; Bellair, Jordie. Three (978-1607069638)
Class Attributes
WCAS College Seminar
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Drop Consent: Department Consent Required