Quantitative Problem Solving in Chemistry (110-0-02)
Frederick J Northrup
Meeting Info
Technological Institute M345: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Location of Midterm TBD: Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location of Midterm TBD: Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Overview of class
Solution strategies for traditional word problems and their application to basic chemistry quantitative problems: dimensional analysis, chemical equations, stoichiometry, limiting reagents, gas laws, and thermochemistry. Enrollment only by permission of the Chemistry Department. Please contact Dr. Fred Northrup at f-northrup@northwestern.edu for more information.
Registration Requirements
Eligibility for this course is determined by the Chemistry Initial Assessment; with the exception that students who took AP chemistry in high school are ineligible for CHEM 110. Students who took the Initial Assessment, placed into CHEM 110, and have not taken AP chemistry can enroll directly. Students should contact chemhelp@northwestern.edu if they have: a) not taken the Initial Assessment or b) placed into CHEM 110 but have experience with high school AP chemistry.
Class Materials (Required)
1. Title: General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, 11th ed.
Author: Petrucci
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN 9780132931281
Approx. price: $310 new, $60 ebook rental
2. Title: Calculations in Chemistry: An Introduction, 2nd Edition
Author: Dahm
Publisher: Norton
ISBN: 9780393284201
Approx. price: $50 new, $38 used, $35 ebook
3. Scientific Calculator, any model (Starting at $12)
4. iClicker cell phone/tablet application. 1 quarter subscription approx. price $20.00. More information will be provided on the first day of class.
Note: These course materials will be used again in CHEM 131 and 132.
Class Notes
This course will never completely close. If you can't register for the open sections, or if all sections have closed, please fill out this form: https://bit.ly/CHEM110-Fall23
Evening Midterms on Thurs Oct 12 and Nov 9.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Eligibility is determined by Chemistry’s Initial Assessment (IA); except that students who took AP chemistry are ineligible for CHEM 110. Students should contact chemhelp@northwestern.edu if they have not taken the IA or have AP Chem experience.