Accelerated Organic Chemistry I (217-1-01)
Julia Kalow
Meeting Info
Tech Institute Lecture Room 5: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Overview of class
Chem 217-1 is the first quarter of a three-quarter organic chemistry sequence for chemistry majors, prospective chemistry majors, and ISP students. Topics Include: Orbitals, Structure of Molecules, Acid-Base Chemistry, Introduction to Spectroscopic Techniques for Structure Elucidation, the Chemistry of the Carbonyl Group, Stereochemistry and Conformational Analysis.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in CHEM 172/182 or 152/162 or 132/142 or equivalent; or qualifying score on the Chemistry Placement Exam. Students enrolled in this course MUST also enroll in the associated laboratory course, Chemistry 237-1.
Class Materials (Required)
Title: Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition
Author: Clayden et al.
Publisher: Oxford Univ Press
ISBN: 9780199270293
Approx. price: $245 new, $100 ebook rental
Class Materials (Suggested)
1. Title: Solutions Manual to Accompany Organic Chemistry, edition 2
Author: Clayden and Warren
Publisher: Oxford Univ Press
ISBN: 9780199663347
Approx. price: $85 new, $60 ebook rental
2. Molecular Modeling Kit (approx. $30)
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: CHEM 132-0 and CHEM 142-0, or CHEM 152-0 and CHEM 162-0, or CHEM 172-0 and CHEM 182-0 (C- or better), or department placement. Must be taken concurrently with CHEM 237-1. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 217-1 and 212-1.