Biology of Cancer (380-0-01)
Xiaomin Bao
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L361: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
This course is focused on the molecular/cellular mechanisms underlying cancer initiation and progression. Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of molecular and cell biology before taking this class. Various mechanisms controlling cell proliferation, signal transduction, DNA damage repair, cell fate decisions and cell-cell communications will be discussed. Topics will also include nature/hallmarks of cancer and current strategies for cancer treatment. The goal of this course is to have a rich intellectual exchange of ideas while taking an in depth look at the molecular causes of cancer.
Registration Requirements
Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course. to register for this course.
Teaching Method
Two 80-minute lectures and 1-hour office hour per week.
Evaluation Method
Three in-person exams (75% total), attendance (10%), presentation (8%) and final essay (7%).
Class Materials (Required)
1. Textbook: Molecular Biology of Cancer: Mechanisms, Targets, and Therapeutics, Fifth Edition, by Lauren Pecorino; Publication Date - August 2021; ISBN: 9780198833024 2. Related Research Papers and Review Articles will be downloadable from Canvas.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course.