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Fundamentals of Neurobiology (302-0-01)


Tracy Hodgson
Tech Institute, Room MG77

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M152: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

Fundamentals of Neurobiology will explore the structure and function of the central nervous system, from the molecular to the systems/behavioral level. This course will provide an introduction to a number of concepts in cellular and systems neurobiology, with an emphasis on: ion channel structure and function; the structure and function of neurons; the ionic basis of the membrane potential, graded potential and action potential; synaptic physiology, neuromodulation, neuronal networks; neural plasticity, including learning and memory.

Registration Requirements

Pre-requisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 301-0, and BIOL_SCI 310-0 to register for this course. May not receive credit for both BIOL_SCI 302-0 and NEUROSCI 202-0.

Teaching Method

A combination of lectures plus active learning/discussion sessions, small group problem solving sessions, plus use of the Neuromembrane simulation program (some simulations will be run in class, some out of class) to gain further understanding of concepts in neurobiology such as the membrane potential, action potential and synaptic interactions.

Evaluation Method

3 in class open book exams (short answer, short essay), an assignment based on the Neuromembrane simulation program, and 1 short research paper.

Class Materials (Required)

From Neuron to Brain, 5th ED, John G Nicholls et al. 2012, Sinauer Associates, ISBN: 978-0-87893-609-0 cost =$124 (new), $58 (used) $31 (rented).

Class Materials (Suggested)

Supplementary materials or journal articles will be posted to CANVAS; the Neuromembrane program is free software available online.

Class Notes

No P/N option. Cannot be taken in place of NEUROSCI 202 in the Neuroscience Concentration, nor is course credit possible for both.

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 310-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course. May not receive credit for both BIOL_SCI 302-0 and NEUROSCI 202-0.