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Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology (329-0-1)


Claude Andre Faucher Giguere
Tech F243

Meeting Info

University Hall 121: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course provides an introduction to modern cosmology, the science of the origin and evolution of the universe. We will cover the standard Big Bang model, including: calculations in an expanding universe, the thermal history of the universe, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the cosmic microwave background, and cosmic inflation. We will discuss the major energy components of the Universe, including the evidence for dark matter and dark energy.

Registration Requirements

Astron 220-1 or 220-2, or permission of the instructor.

Teaching Method

Two lectures per week.

Evaluation Method

The course will be evaluated based on problem sets and a final exam or project. This course is open to both advanced undergraduates (Astron 329) and graduate students (Astron 429). There will be only one set of lectures, but students registering for Astron 429 will be assigned additional work.

Class Materials (Required)

A Course in Cosmology: From Theory to Practice by Dragan Huterer. Cambridge University Press (ISBN: 1316513599).
Previous editions: N/A
Online/eBook available: Yes.