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Introductory Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture (260-0-20)


Masala: Food and South Asia


David Boyk
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall, Office 4-425
Office Hours: varies by quarter, please contact instructor

Meeting Info

Parkes Hall 212: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

AY 23-24 Everyone eats, but not everyone eats the same way. What we eat, and when, and how, and with whom—all of these choices have the potential to define us. In this course, we will explore the meanings and practices surrounding food in South Asia and its diaspora. Whether in conflicts over forbidden foods, in crises of famine, in exoticist evocations of India as "the land of spices," or in nostalgic yearnings for the lost flavors of home, food has profound power over the imagination and the body. Drawing on scholarly work in history, anthropology, and literary and cultural studies, we will examine literature, films, cookbooks, blog and Twitter posts, and other materials to understand the roles that food plays in politics, ritual, art, and everyday life.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- analyze historical, social, and cultural aspects of food in South Asia and its diaspora;
- make cogent and persuasive arguments, orally and in writing, incorporating careful analysis of primary and secondary materials;
- critically evaluate scholarly work relating to South Asian history and culture;
- work with classmates to produce knowledge collaboratively.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

papers, presentations, and short assignments

Class Materials (Required)

All materials available on Canvas

Class Attributes

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area